At Stanford Research into the Impact of Tobacco Advertising (SRITA), our primary goal is to facilitate research and scholarship into tobacco industry behavior. Our online collection also serves as a resource for educators, government regulators, and non-profit tobacco control organizations. We welcome your comments and questions.
General Questions about SRITA
Cindy Chau
SRITA Database Manager
801 Welch Road, 2nd Floor
Stanford, CA 94305
Divya Ramamurthi
SRITA Research Associate
801 Welch Road, 2nd Floor
Stanford, CA 94305
Robert K. Jackler, MD
Founder of SRITA
Sewall Professor
Dept Otolaryngology-
Head & Neck Surgery
801 Welch Road, 2nd Floor
Stanford, CA 94305
Request High Resolution Images
SRITA does not own copyright in these images and neither grants nor denies permission for use. As to copyright issues for tobacco advertisements, they have been reproduced with regularity in books, scholarly journals, popular magazines, and in numerous online venues for many years for purposes of comment, criticism, or parody, which may be considered transformative and thus considered fair use. ( Researchers should be guided by their own counsel as to whether to publish an image.
For use in print media requiring larger file sizes, we can provide high resolution (600 dpi, TIFF) scans of many of the images in our collection. While this is true for our Tobacco ad collection, most ads in the Anti-tobacco, e-Cigarette, Pod e-Cigs, Heated tobacco, and Disposable e-Cigs collections originated on the web and are available only in low resolution.
We do ask that you cite the source of the images as:
From the collection of Stanford University (
To request high-resolution images, please contact Cindy Chau at Please identify the image or images via the image link from our website and let us know the format and resolution you need. We will e-mail attach or FTP the image file to your server.