Collection: E-Cigars
Currently, alternative cigarette products such as e-cigarettes, e-cigars and e-hookahs are in vogue. Vigorously marketed online and through sponsorships and celebrity endorsements as the safer, wiser and healthier alternative to conventional cigarette products, these products have caught the fancy of the public, especially teenagers.
E-cigars are marketed as products of refinement to powerful, and successful men who want to set themselves apart from the rest of the crowd. In its promotional materials, Veppo suggests that consumers who buy an e-cigar share a common bond with “powerful icons” such as Che Guvera, Winston Churchill, J.F.Kennedy, Mark Twain and interestingly enough actor Jack Nicholson. Because the feel of a cigar is so important to its consumers, e-cigar manufacturers have tried to mimic the soft tip and papery feel of the cigar in their products. Veppo e-cigars have a full paper wrap and are textured to feel like a traditional cigar. Totally Wicked and Veppo products have a “soft-tip” that mimics the chewable texture that consumers appreciate in a cigar.
Antonio Villard Premium Electronic Cigars, which brands its cigars as “elegance -redefined” operates on a unique promotional strategy. The cigar company trains cigar girls and offers nightclubs, restaurants and private parties, the service of these cigar girls to add flair to the event and push through the company’s cigar.
As with the advertising of e-Cig products, the manufacturers of e-Cigars are keen to promote the fact that their product looks and feels like a cigar.