With the Veterans in U.S. Hospitals Chesterfield is by far the favorite cigarette. Ernie Harwell
Ernie Harwell and Pete Petroulos pose with The Sporting News and Chesterfield cigarettes, under patriotic text that supports U.S. Veteran’s hospitals. Pete Petropoulos (1915-1996) was a baseball pitcher in the Minor League and Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Army during WWII. He earned the silver star, bronze star, and purple heart in 1944 after he was badly injured and imprisoned by German troops for 11 days in France. In his veteran years, he became a scout for the New York Giants and conducted The Sporting News Sports Caravan, sponsored by the magazine as well as by Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company. The caravan visited U.S. veteran’s hospitals in New York, delivering The Sporting News and Chesterfield cigarettes to veterans. Petropoulos became the manager of the Chesterfield baseball team, “the Chesterfield Satisfiers,” which played at veteran’s hospitals for 12 years. Ernie Harwell (1918-2010), was a former sports editor of Leatherneck, “the Magazine of the Marines,” and, most notably, was the broadcaster for the Detroit Tigers for 40 years. Harwell passed away from cancer of the bile duct.
Actor, Male, Military