As one of the outstanding public men in France, Joseph Caillaux depends upon the power of oratory in advocating his ideas and in swaying his colleagues. To safeguard his voice is his constant aim.
This is one of two 1927 Lucky Strike ads that features a testimonial from French politician Joseph Caillaux (1863-1944), the 75th Prime Minister of France. In this ad, Lucky Strike drives home their false health claim that their cigarettes “are certain not to irritate even the most sensitive throat” thanks to the toasting process – “Your Throat Protection.” In an attempt to make the cigarette appear healthful, Caillaux’s signature is affixed to a comment regarding the “soothing” aspects of Lucky Strikes, and the ad actually indicates that there is no “harshness” in Luckies.
French, Health, Joseph Caillaux, Male, Throat, Toasted