Feted young debutante of the season is an accomplished ice skater, Among the many distinguished women who find Camels mild and refreshing.
Cigarette ads often target women by appealing to their desire for independence and beauty. The use of celebrities is an effective strategy to achieve this. Miss Beatrice “Milo” Gray was athletic and her family was socially prominent in New York. In the ad she is described as simple and unaffected, which allows the majority of women to relate to her initially. But, Milo’s elegant gown, her travels, and her interests reveal her privileged background, which distinguishes her from the majority of women Camel is targeting. Thus this ad evokes a desire to smoke Camel through feelings of aspiration to be a “feted young debutante” like Milo, rather than through feelings of affiliation of the simple pleasures of the working class, that advertisements like Old Golds evoke.
Athlete, Beatrice “Milo” Gray, Female, ice skater, Youth