Guard that throat! Block that cough . . . That raw irritation . . . Reach for a light smoke . . . a Lucky! Whether you're shouting, and cheering the team, or just talking and singing and laughing at home, there's a tax on your throat you can hardly ignore. So when choosing your smoke, it pays to think twice. Reach for a light smoke . . . A Lucky . . . And get the welcoem throat protection that only Luckies offerthe exclusive protection of the process, It's Toasted. Next time you go places, take plenty of Luckies. They not only taste good, but keep tasting good all day long . . . for Luckies are a light smokeand a light smoke leaves a clear throata clean taste.NEWS FLASH! 'I have only missed sending in my entry 3 times'SailorUncle Sam's sailors find time to try their skill in Your Lucky Strike Sweepstakes. Seaman Spangenberger of the U.S.S. Mississippi, an enthusiastic Sweepstakes fan, writes: 'I've only missed sending in my entry three timesI mail them in whenever the ship is in American waters. Have you entered yet? Have you won your delicious Lucky Strikes? Tune in 'Your Hit Parade'Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Listen, judge, and compare the tunesthen try Your Lucky Strike Sweepstakes. And if you're not already smoking Luckies, buy a pack today and try them. Maybe you've been missing something.No penalties for throats!It's a light smoke. If you're hoarse at the game, it won't be from smoking . . . If yours is a light smokea Lucky. When the man with the basket yells cigars, cigarettes, yell back for a light smoke . . . yell Luckies!
This advertisement, portrayed as a news story, especially appeals to young people. The young man in the image, setting sail, is exuberant and full of life as a young woman looks up to him with admiration. The older folks around him look stoic or agitated, furthering the association between light Lucky Strike cigarettes and the younger demographic in this ad. The commentary, citing actions like “cheering for the team” or “singing and laughing at home” serve to foster this connection further. The health claims regarding throat protection resulting from lighter cigarettes are plentiful in this ad.
Cough, Female, Irritation, Male, Throat