The woman pictured is actually composed of 11 cigarettes subliminally positioned across the entire page, and thus she can only be herself when she has Virginia Slims. Only the nose, mouth, and strong jawline of this seductive and alluring woman are revealed. Her slightly open, rouged lips are the brightest aspect of the picture. The rest of her face is muted and seemingly dead, giving the illusion that she comes to life with the taste of Virginia Slims. Additionally, the sense of smell and especially the sense of taste are thus highlighted, combatting the notion that flavor is lost in a light cigarette. Anonymity is created by cutting off the image below the eyes, while the woman’s strong jawline and upward gaze evoke a sense of dominance, both of which accentuate the empowering “Be you!” slogan.
Female, Health, Light, Tar, Thin. Spanish, Weight