The low tar cigarette that's all Winston. All Taste.
The woman depicted in this advertisement embodies lightness, warmth, and purity. The sun casts a halo around her light, feathery hair, and while the sun drenches her skin with its warm rays, the woman’s heavy wool coat and turtleneck sweater emphasize the warmth and comfort which R.J. Reynolds is suggesting a Winston Light cigarette provides. The autumnal shades of the advertisement evoke the golden Winston Lights box, while the woman’s clear blue eyes, tiny crystal stud earrings, and incredibly symmetrical features coalesce to evoke the “purity” of the Winston Light. The large text is featured in a teal shade, rather than a black shade, which works toward avoiding associations with the blackness of tar, while her shorter hair and closed mouth smile give her the appearance of strength and power. The disembodied hand holding the Winston Lights box in the forefront of the advertisement distracts from the Surgeon General Warning which rests directly below. One cigarette is already slightly pulled out of the package, as the woman pictured seemingly waits for the person looking at the advertisement to accept the cigarette offering.
Female, Light, Tar