You're as blind as a bat, roared Muggsy Mulligan. That may be, smiled the umpire, but you heard me, for I smoke Old Golds and speak with authority. Now you can run out and buy a pack. They'll soothe your nerves. Not a back in a bleacherful.
The engraving in this ad was done by John Held, Jr., (1889-1958) well-known for his flapper era artwork which graced mainstream magazines of the period. He was also known for his woodcut cartoons, like the one included in this Old Gold ad, which embraced a 19th century style. On May 6, 1930, Held guest starred on the Old Gold Paul Whiteman hour alongside Broadway star Irene Dunne after he engraved a series of Old Gold ads most objectifying women for a comic effect. This particular ad capitalizes on to man’s love for baseball rather than his love for women. The umpire says he may be blind, but he can “speak with authority” because he smokes Old Golds which are smooth on his throat. The umpire makes a play on the slogan “not a cough in a carload,” changing it to “not a bark in a bleacherful.” Held passed away from throat cancer at the age of 69.
Cough, Health, Throat