Like the rest of us, doctors smoke for pleasure. Their taste recognizes and appreciates full flavor and cool mildness just as yours docs. And when 113,597 doctors were asked to name the cigarette they smoked, more doctors named Camels than any other brand.
The doctor in this ad is immediately made to be relatable with the copy text, “Like the rest of us, doctors smoke for pleasure. Their taste recognizes and appreciates […] just as yours does.” This technique allows the doctor to be at once like an everyday person reading the ad as well as an educated expert. The image of the T-Zone woman is much larger than the depiction of the doctor, maximizing on the relatable aspects of the campaign. The last thing Camel wanted was to distance potential smokers. Note the enlarged red “M” and “D” which begin the words “More Doctors,” placing emphasis on medical authority.
Doctor, Elderly, Female, Irritation, Male, Mild, Throat