Doctors want the same things you want in a cigarette- mildness and flavor! Try Camels as your steady smoke! Smoke Camels as your steady smoke! Smoke Camels- and only Camels and only Camels- for 30 days! Judge Camel's expertly blended tobaccos on a pack-after-pack, day-after-day basis.
While this ad insists that “your own ‘T-Zone’ (T for Throat, T for Taste) is your proving ground for a cigarette,” the ad also takes it upon itself to tell you the opinions of many others, ranging from “so many smokers throughout America” to prominent medical doctor, insisting that Camel is “America’s most popular cigarette by billions!” In this way, the ad simultaneously provides the consumer with a sense of independence and autonomy – a common tactic in cigarette advertising, even today – while also providing reassurance and recommendation from authority figures. The overall message is a false health claim asserting that Camels are easy on the throat, or “mild,” a code word indicating a more healthful cigarette. The ad combines all three of the popular Camel slogans of the time, T-Zone, 30-Day test, and “More Doctors Smoke Camels,” and even adds in the most recognizable slogan, “I’d walk a mile for a Camel!”
Doctor, Female, Irritation, Male, Mild, Throat