Watch a dog- you'll learn a valuable lesson. See how hard he can play. Yet when he's had enough he stops- instinctively, he rests his nerves! The human nervous system closely resembles the dog's, but, unlike the dog, we often forget to rest ours. Nerves get ragged, upset. Don't risk that jittery feeling. Rest your nerves often- Let up_ Light up a Camel!!
This comic-style advertisement for Camels features a “behind the scenes” glimpse into the production of Eddie Cantor’s CBS radio show, Cantor’s Camel Caravan, sponsored by R.J. Reynolds. Eddie Cantor (1892-1964), nicknamed “Banjo Eyes” for his tendency to roll his eyes dramatically as he performed, was an American dancer, comedian, singer and actor. He passed away from a heart attack in 1964. The ad also features the show’s announcer, Walter Woolf King (1899-1984), who passed away from a heart attack, as well, in Beverly Hills, California. The ad claims that Camels soothe the nerves, explaining that those who work in the radio business “work under tension,” and Camels can help relax them.
Eddie Cantor, Male, Natty King, Nerves, Singer, Throat