Extra Protection to My Throat.
Silent film star June Collyer endorses Lucky Strike as “the extra protection to my throat,” as if it was a treatment to throat troubles. Lucky’s slogan, “Your Throat Protection—against Irritation—against cough” furthers this claim. This health claim was unfounded, and in Lucky’s later ads, a simple “it’s toasted” slogan was used to send the same message without blatantly making false claims. In these “Cream of the Crop” ads, Lucky is careful about its celebrity endorsements – here, the ad explains that Collyer has smoked Luckies for 4 years (it does not specify that she exclusively smoked them), and insists that her statement “was not given for money.” Of course, her newest film, Alexander Hamilton (1931), and the movie studio which produced it, Warner, are both given publicity – as is she – through this ad. Collyer (1906-1908), born Dorothea Heermance, was a silent film and talkie star. She passed away from bronchial pneumonia at the age of 61. The risk of developing pneumonia increases three-fold for pack-a-day smokers (compared to non-smokers).
Actor, Female, June Collyer, Movies, Throat, Toasted