After the theatre choose a light smoke- Luckies- for a clear throat, a clean taste.
This advertisement portrays the ideal couple – still dressed up after a “grand party” or a night out at the theatre, relaxing in the kitchen at 1:30 in the morning. Husband sits at the table, smoking a cigarette with Wife as she attends to cooking, an apron tied stylishly atop her evening gown. The text warns not to “let a raw throat spoil the memory of a grand party.” This statement normalizes smoking, assuming that everyone will smoke after an evening out. It also presents false health claims, insisting that Lucky Strikes provide “a clear throat” since “certain harsh irritants, acids, and impurities” have been “expelled” by the toasting process. The copy text goes as far as to suggest that Lucky Strikes actually provide “throat protection.” These health claims were clearly unfounded, and in Lucky’s later ads, a simple “it’s toasted” slogan was used to send the same message without blatantly making false claims .
Family, Female, Light, Male, Weight