Fashion revels in the soft, enchanting cures of the modern figure. Don't sacrifice that graceful contour by permitting your eyes to be bigger than your stomach. Be moderate- be moderate in all things, even in smoking. Eat healthfully but not immoderately. When tempted to treat yourself too well, when your eyes are bigger than your stomach, light a Lucky instead. Coming events cast their shadows before. Avoid that future shadow by avoiding over-indulgence if you would maintain the modern, alluringly rounded figure.
Modified to remove the word sweet in response to threats of litigation from the confection industry. The firm which marketed Lydia Pinkham’s (1819 – 1883) Vegetable Compound perhaps has received too little credit as a pioneer in marketing to women. George Hill, President of The American Tobacco Company, claimed he came up with the campaign “Reach for a Lucky” ” after seeing a heavy women next to a slender women smoking on a street corner. However Hill’s campaigns so explicated borrowed from the Pinkham company slogans of some 40 years earlier, it seems clear that his stories were apocryphal.
Female, Health, Slim, Toasted, Weight