De Reszke Minors are 'peace-time' cigarettes in a double sense. For they are still made from pre-war stocks of fine tobaccos, carefully selected and stored in large quantities to ensure that the De reszke standard of quality is maintained. That is one reason why Minors are out and out 'the best value on the market.
A ballerina relaxes with a De Reszke Minor cigarette during her 10-minute cigarette break. As she smokes her cigarette, she writhes in pleasure and removes one of her ballet slippers sensuously. The advertisement plays with the concept of “peace,” indicating that not only are De Reszke’s made from “pre-war stocks of fine tobaccos,” indicating peace from the war, but also that they offer peace and tranquility during the most stressful parts of the day. It is disturbing to imagine that the woman pictured is a “minor” herself.
Could this be the famous exotic cabaret dancer Frances Day, Golden Girl of the 1930s? She started her career in a nightclub as a cabaret singer and by 1930 she made her way to London. She was born on December 6, 1908, and died on April 29, 1984, from chronic myeloid leukemia (unrelated to smoking).
Ballet, Dancer, Female, Frances Day, sex appeal, woman