Men Smile at my simple reasoning. When ever the subject of cigarettes comes up, I sit back quietly and let the men explain about the Toasting process. Then, if they ask my opinion, I'm pretty frank and tell them why Luckies please- me, at least. After all, there's an intimate relationship between a cigarette and my lips- and I'm very sensitive about my personal daintinessLuckies Please!
This ad features a woman drowning in ruffles, framed within a Lucky Strike target-shaped circle. She says that “Men smile at my simple reasoning,” indicating that women can still be extremely feminine even if they smoke Lucky Strikes. The word “simple” degrades the woman while keeping her attractive. She also explains that “there’s an intimate relationship between a cigarette and my lips.” With this statement, Lucky Strike objectifies the woman and sexualizes its cigarettes.
Female, Male, man, sophisticated, Teen, woman, young adult