This woman leans against a shingled wall as she flirts with a man. He smokes an Old Gold himself, and lights one for her. His dog contributes to his manliness, but the dog also places his face directly at the woman’s crotch. He’s the only one who isn’t smoking an Old Gold, so he needs to find his “treat” elsewhere. The connections between sex and smoking represented here may seem shockingly present for the 1950s. Additionally, the woman’s mink cardigan is advertised as being designed by Maximilian, a premier fur coat retailer at the time (and still today!) who received a Coty award in 1948, and later in 1965, for its contributions in making fur fashionable. Old Gold thus capitalizes on the associations between this high-end luxury fur design and its cigarettes, marketing even further to women.
adult, couple, dating, Dog, Fashion, Female, Luxury, Male, man, romance, woman