This advertisement features testimonials from six women – all socialites, the daughters or wives of influential men. Three of them are pictured with Camel cigarettes, all in luxurious ensembles and rich surroundings. This ad casts Camels as the latest trend in cigarette. Other advertisements in this campaign focused on the other women listed. During the late 1920s and into the late 1930s, society women were often featured in cigarette ads as exemplars of taste. Oftentimes, according to Kerry Segrave, author of Endorsements in Advertising, society women were not compensated directly; instead, the “individuals who secured the endorsements” were given the money (41); in other cases, the socialites would donate the earnings to charity.
adult, Byrd, Cabot, Carnegie, Coolidge, d’Orsay Palmer, Fashion, Female, Gould, Luxury, rich, Socialite, woman