This image of a young woman was illustrated by notable magazine illustrator and film director Penrhyn Stanlaws (1877-1957). Stanlaws passed away in a house fire when, it is suspected, he fell asleep in an armchair while smoking. Dressed in an elegant black evening gown complete with white corsage, this woman lounges effortlessly with a Lucky Strike cigarette. She is one of the artist’s many “Stanlaws Girls,” similar to the popular Gibson Girl, modeled after the film star Anna Q. Nilsson. Her red capelet accentuates the red Lucky Strike target on the box and demonstrates the ways in which a woman might make the pack match her outfit; Lucky Strike was concerned that the green color of their packs would push away female clients, because green clashed with the fashionable colors at the time. The woman’s flush cheeks breathe life into her face, and show her in good health.
Fashion, Female, Luxury, Penrhyn Stanlaws, sophisticated, woman, young adult