My first thought, when I put my feet on firm ground, was to smoke a Camel. Smoking Camels eases up my nervous tensionsets me right again. I can smoke all I likeand they never tire my taste. Mild and delicate, Camels accent flavors in food. They also help digestion, increasing the flow of digestive fluids, building up alkalinity.
Abby Aldrich Rockefeller, wife of John W. Rockefeller, Jr., is featured in this advertisement as a testimonial. This ad features Mrs. Rockefeller in two settings: first, as an active aviator, flying a plane and then soothing her nerves with a Camel; second as a dinner hostess, serving Camels with every course as she entertains at the Hotel Pierre. In this manner, Camels are shown to be simultaneously strong and sophisticated. The advertisement also lists twelve other women who are married to important men and who prefer Camels. This approach very clearly targets women.
adult, Aviation, Female, Health, pilot, Relaxing, Rockefeller, woman