Mine is the pageant of a Season's pride, I draw the loveliest from far and wide, They pace my lawns, enchanting, young, and slim- Romance half hidden 'neath a shady brim. Amazing frocks make history as they pass and rainbow flounces lightly brush the grass. Did someone speak of horses? I protest! Beauty suffices with Abdulla's Best.
The portrait of a sophisticated woman is placed beside a pack of Abdulla cigarettes. The red seal on the pack is broken, revealing the cigarettes, while the woman’s red lips remain closed; one imagines her parting her lips for the cigarette, mimicking the action of breaking the pack’s seal. The poem by F.R. Holmes describes the woman as a party host with no care in the world but her lovely house guests, “enchanting, young and slim.”
Female, glamour, Luxury, sophisticated, woman