The doctor makes his rounds Wherever he goes he is welcome . . . . His satisfactions in life are reflected in the smiling faces of youngsters like the one below, and of countless others whom he has long attended.
This tree-lined street beams with wholesomeness, as the doctor stops by his car, little black bag for house calls in hand, to chat with a mother and her son. The mother holds groceries, the freckle-faced boy wears bib overalls and holds a frog in his hands, the small dog looks up at the doctor with respect – a composition rich with healthful imagery. Flowers and a picket fence ad to this effect. The doctor is described as leading a life “dedicated to serving others.” The ad presents this good-natured doctor as smoking Camels in an attempt to associate the cigarettes with health and happiness.
Doctor, Family, Female, Irritation, Male, Mild, Throat