The doctor is a little late, sir. Will you have a seat?
Tiparillo ran this campaign – “Should a gentleman offer…” from 1967 to 1969. The ads in the campaign all portrayed an intelligent female with a budding career, and then they turned her into a sex object. These ads refused to give credit to women for their hard-earned careers. Instead, the ads portrayed these women, who would normally be seen as independent, as loose women who would be easily swayed by the offer of a Tiparillo. This ad features a dental hygienist who holds up a dental mirror to her parted lips in a sexually suggestive gesture, simultaneously mimicking the action of putting a cigarette (or Tiparillo) to her lips. Her breasts are partially exposed and placed strategically next to the boxes of Tiparillos, providing the viewer with a subliminal association between female nudity and the cigarette brand.
dental hygienist, Dentist, Female, Male, man, scientist, sex appeal, woman