A beneficial effect on breathing and respiration is promised by many e-cigarette (eCig) companies through reassuring brand names and images.
Some companies seek to influence their audience at a subliminal level with reassuring names such as iBreathe, Breathe, Bonnair Lung Aid, Smoke Relief, and the assertive Lung Buddy and O2 Easy and others through reassuring images. Many ads (eg. Blaze, Steamz, Shenzhen Tobacco Company) contain images of healthy lungs (purportedly from vaping eCigs) contrasted with blackened lungs that have been damaged from smoking combustible tobacco products.
Some other ads offer metaphors for healthfulness and freshness. An ad for White Cloud eCigs features the image of two women taking a brisk walk on a grassy hill alongside the caption “Give the Gift of fresh air! Eliminate the tar, ash and unwanted chemical additives from your cigarettes.” The ad brings back memories of an Old Gold ad from 1944 that claimed that their cigarette products were as “fresh” as mountain air.
By presenting the eCig smokers as young, vibrant, athletic, happy, and full of vitality, White Cloud is seeking to claim that its products are better for the individual’s overall health, fresh and safe, and free of toxic chemicals that are harmful to oneself as well as others. But the message is misleading. While White Clouds ad seems to falsely indicate that by vaping its eCigs, an individual can escape all the harmful effects of the toxic chemicals found in cigarettes, this is not really the case. The absence of combustion in eCigs means the absence of combustible by-products such as tar, carbon monoxide, and other harmful chemicals, but it does not automatically translate into eCigs being a safe product. Research studies have shown that the vapor released from eCigs is not plain “water vapor” but vapor containing varying levels of nicotine, propylene glycol, an anti-freeze, as well as other ultrafine particles. These chemicals could potentially have an adverse effect on the lungs and cardiovascular system.
Since eCigs are a relatively new product, first introduced to the market in 2004, research on the long-term health effects of inhaling nicotine along with trace materials has not yet been fully studied. In the absence of scientific evidence, it is misleading and manipulative on the part of eCig companies to make claims of being eCigs being healthy and safe.
A beneficial effect on breathing and respiration is promised by many e-cigarette (eCig) companies through reassuring brand names and images.
Some companies seek to influence their audience at a subliminal level with reassuring names such as iBreathe, Breathe, Bonnair Lung Aid, Smoke Relief, and the assertive Lung Buddy and O2 Easy and others through reassuring images. Many ads (eg. Blaze, Steamz, Shenzhen Tobacco Company) contain images of healthy lungs (purportedly from vaping eCigs) contrasted with blackened lungs that have been damaged from smoking combustible tobacco products.
Some other ads offer metaphors for healthfulness and freshness. An ad for White Cloud eCigs features the image of two women taking a brisk walk on a grassy hill alongside the caption “Give the Gift of fresh air! Eliminate the tar, ash and unwanted chemical additives from your cigarettes.” The ad brings back memories of an Old Gold ad from 1944 that claimed that their cigarette products were as “fresh” as mountain air.
By presenting the eCig smokers as young, vibrant, athletic, happy, and full of vitality, White Cloud is seeking to claim that its products are better for the individual’s overall health, fresh and safe, and free of toxic chemicals that are harmful to oneself as well as others. But the message is misleading. While White Clouds ad seems to falsely indicate that by vaping its eCigs, an individual can escape all the harmful effects of the toxic chemicals found in cigarettes, this is not really the case. The absence of combustion in eCigs means the absence of combustible by-products such as tar, carbon monoxide, and other harmful chemicals, but it does not automatically translate into eCigs being a safe product. Research studies have shown that the vapor released from eCigs is not plain “water vapor” but vapor containing varying levels of nicotine, propylene glycol, an anti-freeze, as well as other ultrafine particles. These chemicals could potentially have an adverse effect on the lungs and cardiovascular system.
Since eCigs are a relatively new product, first introduced to the market in 2004, research on the long-term health effects of inhaling nicotine along with trace materials has not yet been fully studied. In the absence of scientific evidence, it is misleading and manipulative on the part of eCig companies to make claims of being eCigs being healthy and safe.