Let's admit the fact! Every smoker inhales some of the time. And when you do, there's a chance of irritation. But- note this vital difference- reported by eminent doctors!
Johnny Roventini (1910-1998), the famous Philip Morris spokesperson, grins at the camera as he offers a Philip Morris cigarette to a young marine. One of the servicemen puts his hand on Johnny’s shoulder, accentuating Johnny’s small stature. The ad “admits the fact” that all smokers inhale, and that may be cause for alarm when it comes to “irritation.” However, the copy text assures smokers that when they smoke Philip Morris there is “never a thought of throat irritation.” The false health claims abound: According to the ad, “eminent doctors” have determined that Philip Morris cigarettes are less irritating than other brands, capitalizing on the public’s worries over smoking-related health conditions.
Actor, Child, Doctor, Health, Johnny Roventini, Male, Throat