In a recent scene, says Herbert Marshall, I talk two minutes on the telephone. This scene took half a day to 'shoot'- four hours of painstaking voice shading. But even after scenes like this, I find that Luckies are always gentle on my throat. It's Only common sense for an actor- or anyone else, for that matter- to want a light smoke.
British actor Herbert Marshall (1890-1966) endorses Lucky Strike as a cigarette that is “always gentle on my throat.” Lucky presents itself as a healthy cigarette, a “light smoke,” which is “easy on your throat.” RKO Pictures would have been thrilled to have Marshall provide a testimonial for this ad as it provides ample publicity for RKO as well as for Marshall himself, his co-star, and his new movie “A Love Like That.” Marshall starred in more than 100 movie and TV roles throughout his career, despite the loss of a leg in World War I. He passed away from a heart attack in Beverly Hills in 1966.
Herbert Marshall, Irritation, Light, Male, Mild, Singer, Throat, Toasted